Sunday, 3 October 2010

Cover me in petrol?

Petroleum jelly, liquid paraffin, petrolatum and baby oil are all names for mineral oil and are a by product of the process of refining petrol from crude oil.  Just have a look on the label of one of your commercial beauty products and you will see that it is usually one of the first ingredients on the list, as it is very cheap and will maximise profits.
Mineral oil creates a seal on the skin preventing nutrients being absorbed and preventing toxins from escaping and so preventing the natural function of the body's largest organ.  It's basically like wrapping yourself in cling film and whilst it will feel like you're moisturised while it is on your skin, it actually draws moisture to itself and away from the skin, meaning that you will need to use more of it, and more often to achieve the feeling of being moisturised.  It is an eye and skin irritant, and therefore misplaced in products for sensitive skin and conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and can cause aspirational pneumonia if inhaled.  According to the International Agency for Research into Cancer in Geneva, mineral oils are probably carcinogenic as testing has revealed the presence of several carcinogenic hydrocarbons.  It has also been shown to slow down the normal development of skin cells, which can cause the skin to age prematurely.  The truth is that if you use a gentle soap, your skin contains plenty of it's own oils and if necessary, you would be far better off using a natural vegetable oil such as Sweet Almond, Olive, Coconut or Grapeseed.
I follow the motto "if I can't eat it, I won't put it on my skin", and personally, I would rather put the petrol in my car than on my face or body...

Saturday, 2 October 2010

My first blog...

Well, here goes with my first ever foray into the world of blogging!!
First a little about me, I am a Mum to 2 very cheeky and gorgeous boys.  I am a student of homeopathy and have been using it for myself and my family for the last 10 years.  I was led to homeopathy as while I was pregnant with my first son, I began taking a closer look at vaccination and decided that I did not want to go down this route for my child.  Instead I took the responsibility for mine and my family's health and for us, it has definately been the right choice.  Of course, a huge part of this is good nutrition and I am a firm advocate in cooking fresh meals from scratch with fresh ingredients every day, even whilst being a working mum it is possible with planning.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these raw food vegan types.  I'm not even vegetarian and believe that everything is good in moderation.  We have junk food sometimes but not often.  I also use herbal remedies such as Echinacea and Goldenseal and often cook up my own concoctions of garlic, ginger, honey and lemon for coughs and colds.  It has even cleared up stubborn cases of bronchitis.
6 years ago we moved from the UK to Spain and the boys enjoy a healthy outdoor lifestyle with lots of sports and eating lovely fresh food even at school, where the meals are better than at most restaurants!!!   In the UK we also didn't use commercial shampoos and soaps and although I found a stockist for the same shampoo and bodywash that I had used for the boys in the UK, finding things for me that were chemical free and affordable proved much more difficult so, I started making my own body scrubs and body butters with natural vegetable butters and oils.  I also gave some as gifts to friends, colleagues and friends.  The response was very good and it was suggested that I should make for a wider market, which I have.  Please feel free to have a browse around my site .  I will also soon be posting some simple recipes that you can try for yourselves at home.
That's it from me tonight....