hypo allergenic products. I also dressed him with only cotton next to his skin and, weather permitting, left his skin exposed to the air as much as possible.
There are several ways to treat flare ups without the use of corticosteroid creams (which will be prescribed at the first sign of a flake these days) which can have harmful side effects and will only ever palliate the symptoms ready for them to return twice as bad in the not too distant future. The idea with eczema is to slowly but surely CURE the condition rather than endure a very long round of suppression and flare up. All in all, it took 5 years to cure my son of eczema using only natural means. Not bad when you consider that my father is over 80, still has eczema and has used every cream & potion that the doctor has ever prescribed him.
While the skin was dry and red I alternately used Calendula cream (I now make my own but, at the time used Nelsons) and some olive oil with a few drops of Lavender & Chamomile Essential oils. I used the olive oil mainly at night after a wash for a soothing baby massage which helped with the eczema and got him off to sleep. Double bubble!!
When the skin became cracked and bleeding during a flare up, I would soak bandages in some Aloe Vera juice and wrap them around the affected areas at night, covered with dry bandages. This helped to keep him from scratching, kept the patch hydrated and allowed the aloe to soothe and start healing. In the morning I would gently apply some Calendula cream (which can be used on broken skin) and let some air get to the affected areas. During this time I also gave a homeopathic remedy but, you would need to see a homeopath to determine the correct remedy (there are many) for you or your child.
By the time he was 3 years old, the eczema would only appear if he was coming down with a cold or virus and the last time I remember him having any sign of eczema was when he was around 4 and a half. He’s now 10 and has had no sign in over 5 years.
When I started making my natural products I wanted to make a Calendula cream because of the success I had with it on my son. I make it with around 90% Shea Butter and 10% Sweet Almond Oil infused with Calendula petals. I like to use it as general moisturiser and as a hair conditioner/de-frizzer. It’s also a great after sun cream. When my friend came to see me when she had been told by her doctor that she had psoriasis, she had been advised to use corticosteroid cream. I gave her a pot of my Calendula and asked her if she would like to try it. She decided to omit the steroid cream and use mine exclusively. Two months later the psoriasis was gone. I can’t claim all of the credit as she had been through a very stressful time but, even her doctor was surprised that it had gone completely in a fairly short space of time as he had warned her that she may have it for life. I believe that she probably would have, had she used the ‘other’ cream.
So, to sum up. If you or your child suffers with eczema, first rule out any external influences. Look on your toiletry bottles and 'google' the ingredients. Even mineral oil which is in a purpose made bath product for skin problems can actually be an irritant. In the meantime, you can use salt in the bathwater or a good olive oil soap. Moisturise with a vegetable oil or butter such as olive oil, sweet almond oil or shea butter (use mango butter if you have a latex allergy) and use aloe & calendula cream for flare ups. If you are, shall we say, mature, you may even find the elasticity returning to your skin and the development of a more youthful appearance. Double bubble once again!!!

Caution: If using a new product, even a natural one, always do a patch test 24 hours before using the product and consult with your doctor or a qualified aromatherapist if you are pregnant and thinking of using essential oils.
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